Season Winners 2024

Season Winners 2023

Strike it Lucky
Season Winners 2022

Hello Ladies and Gents
Jubilee 18 Bowling league welcomes any new players and teams who wish to bowl of all standards and levels.
Bowling takes place at Bracknell Hollywood Bowl.
Should anyone be interested then come along at 7:45PM each Wednesday.
Kind Regards
Equipment for sale.
If you have any old equipment for sale we have new members always looking, so don't forget to advertise here.
2022 Committee members:
Chris Austen - League Secretary
Stuart Prangley - League Treasurer
Mel Kersley - President,
Nick Clarke – Vice President
Please may I ask, if there is a problem at the bowl and I am not around you must speak to a member of the committee and they will be your voice to highlight your concerns to the management.
Notes to take into account:
If you need to abandon a game on the night, team captains must alert a Committee member on the night so that they can advise management.
You must ensure you agree to a double header for the following week, unless it is positions round in that scenario; you have to agree to play your match before the positions round and arrange via committee team member and the Hollywood Bowl management.
If you can't get a team together you must provide at least a full weeks notice to your opposition, plus the committee. If you do not show up and you have not alerted anyone, you lose all points to your opposing team.