Our league Constitution
1. The Current League is to be known as ‘The Jubilee League ’and will bowl at Hollywood Bowl, The Point, Bracknell on Wednesday evenings between 8pm and 10pm.
2. Here are the guidelines, so the league can run as smoothly as possible:-
3. There will be no drinking or eating on the bowling concourse – members wishing to drink or eat will kindly do so at the back and away from the seating areas around the consoles.The Jubliee18 league is not BTBA sanctioned, although where it is possible B.T.B.A rules will be used as the reference source
4. The league format will be divided into 2 seasons. January - June July – December with a break in August.
5. The league will comprise of 8 teams minimum with a maximum of 18 teams.
6. The league will comprise of 8 minimum 3-person teams with a maximum of 8 registered players per team. The legal line up for trios is a minimum of 2 registered players. If a team cannot field a legal line up, then as long as the Captains are in agreement, and with a minimum of 3 days notice to the secretary, then either an envelope game or double header will be allowed. If the Captains cannot agree. then it can be taken to a vote from all Captains with a possible forfeit of points.
7. The league will operate as a match play league with 17 points at stake each match.
Player 1 team A plays against Player 1 team B (highest handicap score wins 1 point per game)
Player 2 Team A plays against Player 2 Team B (highest handicap score wins 1 point per game)
Player 3 Team A plays against Player 3 Team B (highest handicap score wins 1 point per game)
Highest team game score wins 2 points per game.
Highest team handicap over 3 game total wins = 2 points
The blind may play in place of any player, it is not allowed to use a player from another team.
The league format will be three times round. (with exception of position rounds) The league will run a knockout each round whereby the team with the lowest handicap total will be eliminated each week.
8. It is the responsibility of the left-hand lane team captain to record their playing order first.
9. The league will be a handicap league, and the handicap will be 80% of the difference between a bowler’s average and 210.
a) The maximum handicap per bowler will be 72. The blind (dummy) score will be 170 per game with no handicap.
b) If you are down to play the BYE team, each player will have a scratch score to beat of 170 (with no handicap) on the score sheet provided i.e 1,2 and 3, 170 per game, 3 games = 510 and a series of = 1,530. It is to be calculated using your scratch score plus your handicap. Please note: If you have a Blind playing against a Bye you each share the point, 0.5 to the blind and 0.5 to the Bye.
11. Handicaps for existing bowlers (providing that a minimum of nine games were bowled in the previous season) will be retained for their first nine games of the new season and adjusted weekly thereafter. If a minimum of nine games were not bowled they will be classified as new bowlers. Handicaps for new bowlers will be established after they have bowled their first 3 games and adjusted weekly thereafter.
12. New bowlers may be registered on the night they wish to bowl. If the new bowler is classified as a replacement, the bowler that is being replaced must have been withdrawn seven days earlier. Once a bowler has been withdrawn, that bowler may not be reinstated within the next 10 weeks. No new bowlers will be allowed after week 18 until end of season, unless exceptional circumstances occur where all Team Captains will be consulted.
13. Bowlers may be transferred from one team to another only once in a season, providing that they have the consent of the majority of teams.
14. Bowling fees will be £39.00 per team each week (£24.75 lineage and £14.25 Additional funds) and it is the responsibility of each Team Captain to pay the monies due to the league treasurer before the end of the first game. The league is required to pay lineage fees (£8.25 per bowler) for the number of participating bowlers, including pacers. Each team must pay the prize fund of (£4.25 per bowler) for 3 players each week. In the event of a team not turning up, it is the responsibility of that team to pay the prize fund monies the following week. In the event of an emergency a Team Captain meeting will be called to establish clarification and action.
15. Postponements will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. An agreement between the Team Captains involved in a postponement must be notified to the League Secretary with a minimum of 3 days’ notice, if possible. Consecutive week’s postponements are to be avoided if possible, in the event of mechanical difficulties etc., preventing the completion of a match (e.g. one pair of lanes or a single lane breakdown) cross -lane bowling is permitted and should be played on a mutually arranged date. Thus, by definition ‘double headers’ and pre-bowling are allowed, each team involved will pay the prize fund monies (£12.75 for each team, £4.75 each player) to the treasurer.
16. If mechanical or breakdowns occur that prevent the whole entire league from playing or completing its session, a full committee meeting will be convened to resolve the specific problem and take appropriate action. If the machinery has an error a full re-rack is needed to continue.
17. Elected officials are:
Chris Austen - League Secretary,
Stuart Prangley - League Treasurer
Mel Kersley - President,
Nick Clarke – Vice President
18. The officials are to be elected during a full league meeting at the end of each season, or by a ballot of the Team Captains.
19. The league Committee will be comprised of the elected officials and the 8 team Captains.
20. In exceptional circumstances the committee is empowered to override any of the rules governing the league, or to introduce any new rules as may be required.
21. There will be fees for the Secretary and Treasurer to be paid at end of the season.
22. Late arriving bowlers are to be allowed to start bowling only if the opposing team have not commenced their third frame. If the opposing team have already commenced their third frame, the blind dummy score can be entered of 170.
Late arrival bowlers may bowl the second or third game as normal (unless overridden by team captains).
23. It is the responsibility of each team captain to ensure that their team endeavours to finish within the specified time limits, barring any delays due to mechanical problems etc., The Management of Hollywood Bowl, Bracknell has the right to switch the lanes off due to failure to complete and is deemed to have been caused by tardy play. If this does happen, the scores at that point will stand.
24. It is the responsibility of all bowlers to place used tape and plasters, etc., in the appropriate waste bins, please do not leave them on refreshment shelves or on lane consoles.
25. The league champions will be the team with the highest number of points after 63 games (21 weeks per season). In the event of there being teams with equal points, the team with highest total pin fall, including handicap, will be deemed the winners. If two or more teams have equal points and total pin fall (including handicap) a roll off will take place.
26. Prize monies are to be distributed as per the Treasurers format (variable depending on amount teams) Prize fund as follows: Team 1st place + bonus; Team 2nd place +bonus; Team 3rd place plus bonus; Team High Series; Team High Game; Male high game; Female high game; Male High Series; Female High Series; Male High Average; Female High Average; Most improved Male player; Most improved Female player.
New Teams joining mid season, will have the option to participate in the prize fund if they want to or pay the lineage fee only. Teams that would like to participate in the prize fund, will be eligible for individual prizes only, such as High Game, High Series, Jackpot, season 1 and 2, and most improved bowler.
They would not be eligible for end of season team prizes, their teams will be playing for points only until the following season.
27. In order to qualify for individual prizes at least 24 games must have been bowled, 24 games the season before for most improved player.
28. In order to gain any points when playing against an absent team, the scores of quantities of 3 ‘blind/dummy ‘players must be beaten under match play rules – this does not include handicaps.
29. If you need to abandon a game due to lane failures, you must speak to a Committee member on the night with reasons, they in turn will liaise with the centre manager on your behalf. You must also agree with your opposing team on the night a re-match, however, if the following week is a positions round you must agree a date and time for a re-match prior to positions round. All to be set in place with the centre before you leave and your club secretary to be updated.
Registered teams as of Septemebr 2023 as follows: -
The Rogues - Captain: Jeff Yong
Royals - Captain: Paul Bullock
Lane Hogs - Captain: Andy Rance
The Charity Cases - Captain: Jim Ashworth
Hit & Miss - Captain: Peter Gates
Strike it Lucky - Captain: Chris Austen
Gutter Snipes - Captain: Michael Corsini
Risky Rebels - Captain: Tina Francis
Gutterly Ridiculous - Captain: John Francis
Glory Bowl - Captain: Mark Gibson-Barton
Hagler's - Captain: Tony Robinson
Flamin' Strikes - Captain: John Gaffney
Duties of the League Secretary:-
The league Secretary is responsible for the proper organisation and function of the league Secretary must keep an accurate record of all team and individual scores. These records may be manually or computer generated
The league Secretary must post weekly averages and team standings, which shall be available to all league members.
The league Secretary shall have charge and conduct all correspondence and notify league members of all meetings.
The league Secretary will furnish each team captain with a copy of the current league constitution and lane schedule.
The league Secretary is responsible for making the lane draw for each new season.
Duties of the Treasurer:-
The league Treasurer is responsible for the collection each week of all league fees
(lineage plus prize fund) and payment of the appropriate lineage as detailed to Management of Hollywood Bowl, Bracknell before the end of bowling.
The league Treasurer shall establish an account at a recognised banking institute in the name of the ‘Jubilee18 League’ oall financial transactions to league members. The final statement shall show all income, expenditure or other revenue from deposited league funds.
At the end of each league season the league treasurer will distribute the prize monies as detailed by percentages stated in paragraph 26 of ‘The Jubilee18 league’ Constitutional Rules.
Treasurers format for prizes, Treasurers / Secretary Fees.
Brian Dudman - Lane and League Support
Jubilee18 League © 2022